2004 Official Bartender of the GEFNFL  
(This comes under the category: "Don't dare me, I will put you on the Web")  


GEFNFL Official Bartenders Visitors:
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Born:  Along with her fraternal twin sister, Kavita, on or about 4/22/1983

Vital Statistics: (Too good to print here)

Parents: Mom's from India and Dad's Indiana (What were the odds on that?)

Aspirations:  Studying to be a radiologist.  Currently holding 3 different jobs;  Aid at a nursing home, hostess at a Chinese restaurant, and of course, as our local bartender.  

Music Taste: 70's- 80's Rock and a little modern country

SingYes, she can sing but doesn't have the time to front a band.

Favorite Wine:  White Zinfandel

Favorite shot:  3rd Reich

Favorite PatronsTom & Wayne (probably in that order) that's Tom's beer on the right, Wayne's on left.

Jewelry:  All the usual stuff, twice failed at belly button piercing

Looking for:  Mr. Right, she thinks he might be a Cowboy.  At last check, she said she thought she found her man,.  I hope she's right.

Likes:  Hamming it up for the camera, may even have surprised herself.  Shopping, everywhere but Milwaukee, and on other's credit.

Dislikes:   -