GEFNFL - GE Friday Night Football League


GE Friday Night Football League

We play a light one hand touch game, to minimize arguments and injuries. We play with who ever can make it to the field, so regular participation is not a requirement. Sides are chosen at game time, and may be rearranged to even them out. We are there for fun, not to take each other out (except for a stop at a bar afterwards).

3 second delay rush (counting "One chimpanzee, Two ...") with some limited  blocking. Any attempt to run negates the delay rush. We switch quarterbacks about every series, so everyone gets to throw. Be prepared to run a lot, it tends to be a heavy passing game. QBs call their plays.  Everyone gets a chance a every position, including QB.  We get creative.  Double passing allowed, if first pass is behind the QB.  A single first down can be obtained at mid-field.

Fumbles are dead balls - and belong to offense. So there is no piling on. we aren't wearing any headgear and don't want to send guys to the hospital on a stretcher every week.  

Tentatively our season will start on the first Friday after the first week of the regular NFL season games have started, and runs to the last Friday before Thanksgiving.

We are currently playing at Prairie Park in Waukesha. (under the lights).  Waukesha Park & Rec. charges us $15 per hour for field time and $10 per hour for the lights.  That's $50 a night for a 2 hour game.  I will have to charge $5 a head for to cover field costs, and hopefully we get 10 or more players, each week.

Our mesh jersey's are paid for, the colors are red & blue.  If players want may bring something in those colors (Wis. Badger or Buffalo Bills jerseys for example) they are welcome.  

(Disclaimer: It should be noted that I have never indicated that GE stands for the company of that name.  Perhaps it just stands for Good Enough...would that get by the lawyers?)



GEFNFL League history.

For Directions to Prairie Park.



All Time Individual Stat Records and Summaries

Lifetime Records 1995-2014 <<<New! Lifetime Stats 1995-2014 <<<New!

Seasonal Data - Individual Records & Stats

2014 <<<New!





























News Items & Gallery

2013 NFL's "Tell us your football story contest."  Is the GEFNFL the Greatest Pick-up Touch Football Game in the  World?

2009 "16 Again" NY Times Article - GEFNFL's brother league in New Jersey.

2008 GEFNFL Alumni Game.

2006 GEFNFL will not be coaching the Packers after the Sherman Firing.

2005 Donald Driver signs with GEFNFL?

2005 Adventures of Mullins' Notre Dame Sweatshirt.

2003 Random Pictures.

1997 Super Bowl Pictures.

1997 Pro Bowl Pictures.

Does Karaoke Girl have an innie or an outie?

The last Packer to score a touchdown at County Stadium.


Official Bartenders

(A sort of a tip of the hat to a few really great people that provided the post game refreshments)

  2004           2005-2006             2007-(1st Half)         2007-(2nd Half)


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Tracking the number of Players & Fans that have been here.

For more info contact Wayne W. Schott at wschott or Wayne.Schott 

(Note: To use, remove the space in these email addresses.  Sorry, but I do it this way to prevent spammers from easily searching for an active address.)